Monday, May 18, 2020

Do Recruiters Need to Be on Twitter

Do Recruiters Need to Be on Twitter We know how important social recruiting is in this  current digital climate. You need great people in your organisation, so why wouldnt you  tap up the ginormous  talent pool flooding public social media platforms? Even the likes of Instagram and Slack are being coined as candidate sourcing tools, alongside market leaders LinkedIn and Facebook. But what about Twitter? Twitter. Its the social network that offers real-time updates and requires brevity,  but no longer appears to be growing, at least not at the same speed of its rivals. Whats been happening in the Twitter HQ and should you be investing time and resources into making it part of  your  recruitment marketing and sourcing strategies? Ive had a chat with  James Tozer of The Economist  to get his take. Have a listen to the interview on iTunes, SoundCloud or keep reading for a summary. Firstly, tell us about The Economist and what you do there please? Sure thing. So The Economist, obviously most famous for its print newspaper,  has  been producing one for about 170 years now.  In recent years, in the last 20 years, the paper has been supplemented by online coverage which has been much more broad and covers a whole range of topics from culture, sports, religion, lifestyle, loads of different things. I was employed as a digital analyst and a data analyst to look at how our content is being read online, and on apps and by social media. And its been really interesting because since Ive been here, theres been a very noticeable change and an acceleration in the amount of resources and attention the papers been looking at its online presence.  Im part of an ever expanding data team that looks at how our content is performing. Whats Twitter all about and why do people use it? Twitter was founded in 2006,  a couple years after Facebook, but in that era, and in some ways, Twitters initial proposition was close to Facebook in that it was a way of people to connect with one another and share information about their lives. But, in some ways its very different from Facebook. It has a very different proposition in the sense that Facebook very quickly became like a locker of things that exist in your life, it was a  personal record of all your photos, of your holidays, of your life experiences and a way of sharing those things with your friends. Twitter became more of a soap box, here you would share your opinions, and sort of narrate what you were thinking about. Big issues at any given time and obviously there was a degree of overlap. People share photos and talk about their daily lives on Twitter and they also use Facebook statuses to talk about how theyre feeling about, about big issues at any given time, but theres very much the sense I think early on that Twitter became more of a platform whereas Facebook became a social network. And Twitter accordingly got this reputation and image as being a bit wonkish, as being sort of the people who are particularly interested in sort of, you know, policy or  technology. What challenges is Twitter faced with at the moment? When we talk about evolution  its really interesting if you look at, you know, again if you compare with Facebook because its the obvious comparison. When you look at their early uptake of monthly active users and they both for the first five or six years of their existence had a very straight upwards line in terms of every quarter, theyre gaining more and more users. And then what seems to happen to Twitter, well, it was very clear, what happens to Twitter at the start of 2015 it just levels off. Twitters seems to have reached this natural ceiling of 300 million monthly users, and it cant seem to get beyond that. Its sort of found its maximum audience. Whereas Facebook has continued to grow and it looks like its going  get to two billion at some point. And I think one of the reasons why Twitter reached this critical mass, but never managed to get beyond it is as you say, you know, one of the problems is trolls. Another problem is generally speaking I think the user experience on Twitter was not as friendly or as accessible to people as the one on Facebook was because, you have these problems with trolls. You have these problems with loads of junk. Accounts that were clearly bots or spam. And also it was because Twitter had no algorithm or no way of rating content. If you were just a standard person who wasnt famous or wasnt involved in a news organization or whatever, and you were just on there to share your opinions, it was like shouting into a thunderstorm because there was just so much content for it being put out by publishers and celebrities, and you know, youd get drowned out as a personal user on Twitter which is why I think , lots of people would try it for the first time. You know, send a couple of tweets, realize that no one was paying any attention to them and hit the road and never used it again. Whereas on Facebook, the opposite happened because it was entirely based around personal interactions. As soon as you started posted things on there, your friends would engage with you, and so there was a real reason to keep coming. So, I think that was Twitters real problem and it continues to be its biggest problem; just from a usage point of view its not easily accessible. And you really have to work to get into it and to feel like youre getting value out of it. Whereas on Facebook immediately youll link with friends and everything you do is seen by your friends. And I think if that was the core problem with Twitter, is that it wasnt good at holding on to people that then sparked a whole load of bigger problems, corporate problems. The fact that they cant grow anymore, that theyre really startling to grow has obviously led to massive turmoil. At the corporate level, Jack Dorsey has come back as the CEO in order to try to drive the company forward but that hasnt been enormously or obviously successful yet. They had a very high turnover in terms of management stuff. Last year there were a lot of very senior people leaving. The share price has stagnated. So I mean really, its a case of that core usage problem spiraling down into a massive existential problem for Twitter about, whats going happen to it now? It cant get any bigger. Does that mean its going to  shrink or go away or whats going to  happen to it? And I think not many people have a very clear answer to that. I dont think there is a clear answer yet. So yeah, so I think thats the main problem and things have sort of spiraled off from it. When we talk about threats to Twitter from other platforms, I still think theres not been a platform thats been developed yet that can rival Twitter in terms of its qualities as a soap box, or a platform for expressing opinions because obviously there are things like, in terms of sort of throw away comments that you share with your friends. Snapchat has really cornered that so that Twitter is no longer the place you go to share an update in 20 words or whatever. Snapchat is now there for that. Instagram has obviously taken over this corner of the web for sharing quick photos along with Snapchat. Messenger is there. Facebook Messenger is there for small personal interactions but I dont think theres any platform yet that has been able to rival Twitter for laying out your opinions and commenting about big events that are going on. So even though it has this user experience problem, I still think of broader image of whats going to happen to it over the next couple of years, its safe from the threat of being replaced by something completely. What can Twitter  do to turn its  fortune around? I think usability and UX are really important because as Ive said, it works as a soap box. Its a good way for influential people, like Donald Trump is a classic example of someone whos used Twitter very effectively of getting up and saying what they want to say. But the problem is for ordinary people what you say gets lost and so what you need is to have a better system, like what you say gets seen and engaged with by other people in your circle. You know, friends and other ordinary people because otherwise theres no point of you putting it out there. And I think one of the things that Twitter has started to do which suggests that it might be able to turn its problems around and seems like a very sensible innovation is an algorithm on the feed which is obviously, one of the very basic tenets of Twitter was that there was no algorithm. And it was just a live feed and it just updated as it went. And Facebook was the algorithm platform so if you wanted curated stuff, you went to Facebook. And if you just wanted a live scroll of what was going on, you went to Twitter. But because Twitter has put an algorithm on, it means that when you log back in what pops up at the top of your feed is a sort of while youre away feature, which tends to include people that you are friends with, rather than a deluge of updates from a media company that youve followed. And so that means that you have a better idea of what your peers and colleagues are talking about and you can then engage with that. One of the things youll see now in your feed is tweets that other people close to you have liked and that you might be interested in. So theres a lot more curation going on which is I think is giving people a much better user experience and means that if youre new to the platform and you show up for the first time, you no longer get this feel ing of sort of being a lone voice in the desert. There are people listening to you and you feel more engaged with the platform. And I think there are loads of people who have used Twitter before for the first time, come on to it, had an awful user experience, left and they might never be recovered. But for new people coming to Twitter for the first time, I get the sense that its going  be a more accessible experience for them and theyre not going  be as turned off by it. And I think working around that and working around having a highly curated, enjoyable, relatable experience on Twitter will be the way that they can serve and possibly start to grow their user base again. Should marketers start to dial down their investment into Twitter before it turns into the next Google+ like ghost town? Sure, I think the problem with Google+ is that I mean it was a ghost town from the beginning. Everyone signed in, but no one did anything with it. Whereas Twitter at least, people have always done stuff on Twitter. Theres always been a critical mass of stuff happening. So, I dont think Twitter is going to  disappear entirely. One of the really interesting things that weve seen from a data perspective is that, at The Economist our following on Twitter is growing all of the time, but actually, the number of people seeing any individual tweet is shrinking. So theres two possible reasons for that. The first is that no one is logging in anymore and so your tweets just arent being seen by anyone. But the second, is that lots of people are logging in but because Twitter has introduced algorithmic element only certain users are seeing your tweets, or the personal tweets of people they know being prioritized at the top of their feed and so they only occasionally get down to the tweets being pushed up by larger accounts, by publishers or by brands, those things being pushed down the feed. And if that is the case, then what it suggests to me is that any given post that you put on Twitter is going to  get less attention than before, which means that, you need to adjust your expectations accordingly. If youre putting out say a couple hundred posts a week and you used to gain, X number of impressions and Y number of referrals to your website. You should probably expect those numbers to go down because your tweets are getting seen by fewer people. And, you need to manage that accordingly . You need to make sure that if youre paying money behind a branded campaign you know youre going to  expect slightly smaller returns because your tweets being seen by fewer people. But on the other hand, while thats true in the short-term, the brands posting on Twitter might see less return on any given posts they put out. In the long-term if this curation element means that more people are joining Twitter and retaining their accounts, then its going be good for the brands and publishers right, because there will  be a bigger audience there and even if any given tweets are being seen by fewer people, having a bigger audience means that you can potentially reach more people. In short, I think marketers should be prepared for a little bit of short-term pain perhaps in terms of the potential reach theyre getting from their campaigns, but if Twitter can use these changes to increase the following, I think in the long-term its possible that Twitter will start to pick up again. Its current trajectory doesnt suggest that its gonna turn into a sort of empty platform like Google+ or MySpace. Follow James on Twitter @JCDTozer.

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